
I’ve had this website for over a year, however I have blogged virtually nothing (for many reasons).  I have shared articles and posts written by others that I felt would benefit other writers (especially those who are prepublished). Now I’m adding to the mix.

Inspired by my friend Patsy Parker (www.whitefeatherfloating.com) I am endeavoring to blog an original post each week. These posts will include nuggets I am learning along the writing path, notables on my path to publication, and book suggestions (fiction, non-fiction, and craft). I expect there will be some observations on life and art (life as art? art as life?) also as they may encourage and/or entertain readers, writers, and other humans.

Here, you may find bits of poetry written by me. You may find awesome stuff I learn about animals as I do research for one of my novels. Or other semi-interesting tidbits I come across while reading, writing, and living the writing life. I hope that I will be honest about my struggles and sub-optimal outcomes (my husband’s term). I hope you will be encouraged, enlightened, and inspired to pick up a book, pick up a pen, or simply see the world around you.

Back to Patsy – I encourage you to check out her website. She’s a talented self-taught artist, who’s also a writer. She draws and paints realistic renderings of animals; sea turtles are her specialty.

So, welcome! Thanks for joining me. Let’s get this story party started. -Tiffany

5 thoughts on “Hello…”

  1. Wow, Tiffany! I am so glad we are friends. It’s nice to have writing buddies. I am glad I have been an inspiration to you. Thanks so much for mentioning me! It was a nice surprise. I am looking forward to what you will be publishing here in the future! This is really an encouragement I needed today. 🙂

    1. Hi Patsy. I appreciate how you’ve shown us your progress as you study your craft, and how you share the good and bad days with us. I have and can learn a lot from you. Have a great day!

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